HygienePlus - Next level Hygiene


Virus and microbe reduction begins at your doorstep

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a change in mentality. Today, our greatest concern is to keep our family, employees and customers in good health. The pursuit of a clean living and working environment is part of our daily reality. 
“Daily contact with our clients and distributors has shown us that demand for hygienic measurements is also a current issue in the floor coverings sector”, says Dieter Naessens, CCO of MercuryFlooring. “Our customers are looking for convenient and efficient solutions.” 
We have been involved in clean buildings, homes and offices through our extensive range of floor coverings since 1987. Today we add new properties to our doormats by adding an extra finish, HygienePlus, to our yarns. 
We are proud to play a pioneering role in the production of hygienic mats. 

Virus reduction & elimination of bacteria

The HygienePlus range is about so much more than dirt and moisture blocking. It is about maximum hygiene to the core of the floor covering. Our textiles are treated with the Oeko-Tex registered product BI-OME, which penetrates deep into the fibres of the floor covering.  This finish adds new properties to the doormats and runners in the HygienePlus range.  

It eliminates bacteria. We could say that the mat cleans itself, making the floor coverings invisibly clean at the microbial level. In addition, BI-Ome has a viral-reducing effect on enveloped viruses. In other words, we are taking hygiene to a new level. 

The effect is durable, stays active after several washes and is harmless to humans and animals.